Thursday, January 23, 2014

My Passion for Fashion

High maintenance. Stuck up. Rich snob.

Just to name a few of the labels people have called me in the past. BUT I don't let those words or people define me-- in fact, I take it as a compliment! Here's why:

I firmly believe that a person can look so chic and classy without spending much money. This principle is what my whole closet is centered on! So when people judge me solely looking at the way I dress I think, "HA the jokes on you! My WHOLE outfit probably costs the same as what you're paying for ONE article of clothing!" One of my favorite things to do is find cheap and affordable clothing that adds spunk and a sense of uniqueness to outfits while wowing people at the same time. I think one of the most common misconceptions about being fashionable, is that it takes a lot of money. Luckily, I have a very wise mother who taught me from the beginning, that the first place to go to when shopping is the back of the store--more specifically, the sale/clearance section.

I decided to start a blog because I realized it was selfish of me not to share all my fashion secrets! I want people to realize that how they dress up relates to their self worth. I want people to know that dressing up doesn't require a lot of work. Stacy London once said, "Self-esteem doesn't come simply from dressing well, but they are both something we can control. It's a missed opportunity when women say they don't have the money, figure, etc., because style is such a way to help cultivate the way women feel about themselves." I hope that through my blog, you'll be able to pick up a few tips here and there to apply to your life!

I know that dressing chic, classy, and modestly can be very difficult in todays world. But I also know that girls shouldn't compromise their standards and degrade themselves in order to go with the flow. Fashion will come and go, but style is timeless. Coco Chanel said it well, "Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman."

So being called high maintenance and a rich snob doesn't hurt too bad when I'm thinking, "You're telling me, that this five dollar dress makes me look like a million bucks? Thanks!"

The coat pictured was a steal for only ten dollars! With a few bold statements like the coat, it's easy to mix and match to make multiple outfits with basic layers. Stay tuned for my next post coming up on the 1st! Ill show you specific ways on how to make various outfits out of just a few basics.

See y'all next time!